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Community Engagement

With partnership and engagement as some of the policy directions guiding the federal action under the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, CanCURE is committed to CIHR principles of Citizen Engagement in conducting its research program.


Citizens are "engaged" when they play an active role in defining issues, considering solutions, and identifying resources or priorities for action. This "meaningful involvement" can take place at a variety of stages in the research, planning, or implementation phases of a project.


In the case of HIV Cure research, this means putting mechanisms into effect that ensure the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA); GIPA/MIPA is a principle that puts people living with HIV/AIDS at the centre, while being grounded in human rights as well as the dignity of the full human being.


CanCURE has established a Community Consultants group with representatives from across Canada. These dedicated individuals provide the perspective of the community in our internal review and decision making process throughout the duration of the CanCURE program.


In addition, CanCURE conducts ongoing public outreach, as well as knowledge translation and exchange with all stakeholders. On July 1, 2014,CIHR awarded a Planning and Dissemination grant jointly to CanCURE, and to the EPIC4 (Early Pediatric Initiation - Canadian Child Cure Cohort) Study Group, to initiate public discussion on the aims and actions under our collaborative research.



AIDS 2022

IAS - International AIDS Society and The Canadian Consortium for HIV Cure Research (CanCURE) and its host institution, IRCM,were pleased to participate in the organization of the pre-conference Trajectories Towards a Cure for HIV: Research and Priorities, which will feature scientists from around the world, as well as patients, partners and stakeholders in the field, on July 28 2022. Watch the videos below!



CanCURE students are proud to present to you the research projects carried out within our research consortium which includes virologists, immunologists, clinicians and representatives of the communities of people living with HIV.

The ultimate goal of our research is to develop a cure for HIV infection. To achieve this, CanCURE members conduct a translational and interdisciplinary research program that is aimed at 1) identifying and characterizing HIV reservoirs

2) understanding how different types of cells of the immune system contribute directly and indirectly to HIV persistence and 3) testing eradication strategies in animal models and in pilot clinical studies.

Enjoy !

CanCURE presents:
a community friendly video

AIDS 2018


This video in French is "Retour sur AIDS 2018" webinar by the COCQ-AIDS team at the 22nd International AIDS Conference held in Amsterdam on July, 2018. 

This presentation is still relevant and could help community members understand the research.

You can go directly to 34:12 minutes.

Enjoy your viewing!

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New tool to understand HIV research

In an effort to disseminate knowledge from latest HIV research, Darien Taylor and Craig McClure prepared a summary of the HIV cure research symposium held during the 2017 IAS conference. The document, entitled The road towards HIV Cure, is using plain language and is intended to provide knowledge to the community, as well as offeroffimportant notions to investigators new to the field.

Special thanks to Darien and Craig for producing this outstanding and useful document, and to Robert Reinhard, Delphine Planas, Ian Grubb and John McCullagh who reviewed the article.

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Lay Summaries of research

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) -and other grant distributing agencies- fund research involving human participants. In their guidelines, they incorporate directives to distribute research results so that benefits of knowledge creation spread across all interested parties. Reaching out to the public and communities affected by HIV is one of the most critical dissemination efforts.


Within CanCURE, we hope the posting of clear summaries of results from the team’s studies will increase trust in the research enterprise, promote collaboration and advocacy and encourage healthy discussion of issues to advance HIV Cure research. We will use this space on our website to post summaries when research involving human participants who volunteered either by providing biological samples and/or testing an intervention in a clinical trial led to a publication of those discoveries.

Engaging The Public - Research Towards an HIV Cure

With the support of a Planning and Dissemination grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), Community Advisors and Scientific Investigators of CanCURE have produced a brief educational video to engage people with HIV and the broader public in CanCURE's research towards Cure(s) for HIV. We hope this overview of the field and of the work of CanCURE's Investigators and Community Advisors will be distributed widely. The video is bilingual (English/French) and can be used to inform the public about a critical component in the effort to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, to advocate for further research and to encourage participation and support in this team effort.


ACCHO facts sheet

The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)has collaborated with CanCURE to develop an HIV Cure fact sheet. It is designed to assist African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities, service providers who work with them and other stakeholders in demystifying HIV Cure and increasing knowledge and awareness of the complexities of the search for a Cure.

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CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network

The CIHR Canadian HIV trial network (CTN) has put in place, with the participation of Robert Reinhard, our community liaison, a website to offer information about different clinical trials, treatment guidelines, and a directory of different Cure HIV research groups.


Project Inform

The Project Inform, an American initiative, is a source of information, inspiration and advocacy for people living with HIV and/or HCV. The Delanay AIDS Research Enterprise (DARE) and others have put together a very useful glossary, with terms connected to HIV biology and research, as well as explanatory diagrams, and a resources section compiling different useful web-pages available on this website.



The mission of the Global Advocacy for HIV prevention (AVAC) is to achieve an end to AIDS. The website provides an extensive resource section, from publications to meetings reports and an R&D database. They also developed a tool called CUREiculum which is designed to provide information on HIV cure research and increase literacy about ongoing research. The CUREiculum is separated in different modules, each developed in collaboration with a community educator, HIV advocacy groups, the Martin Delaney International Community Advisory Board, and a scientific partner.


CTN cure study page

This resource provides a summary of HIV cure research that is supported by the CTN. It is not a complete roster of Canadian HIV cure research since much of the effort is in basic science or preclinical stages (research that is needed before clinical trials can take place) or is not supported by the CTN. The CTN works closely with Canadian researchers and is eager to help them move their intervention strategies into clinical testing.


Managing Expectations of an HIV Cure: What Should We Expect?

Robert Jay Reinhard, community liaison for CanCURE, published an article in the Journal entitled AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. It is available at the link below.

CanCURE Advisory Board

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Community based research cordinator at COCQ-SIDA

Tanguy Hedrich worked in academic research in biomedical engineering for almost 10 years. In 2022, he switched to community-based research to work even more closely with the community. His work as a research coordinator consists of creating links between academic researchers, actors from community-based organizations and community members.

The Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le VIH/sida (COCQ-SIDA), regroups 36 community-based organizations involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS throughout Quebec.

Tanguy Hedrich

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Shari Margolese

Community Research Consultant

Since my diagnosis in 1993 I have experienced many lifesaving breakthroughs in HIV research, and for this I am grateful. However, to completely eliminate HIV related illness and stigma, the ultimate goal is a cure.

Renee Mashing

CanCURE community Advocate

Working with the CanCURE team is an opportunity to share Indigenous values regarding research and to learn more about basic science. The “science buddy” is one of my favourite aspects of the Community Advisory Board/research team and students collaboration.

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José Sousa

Community Advocate

Jose Sousa has been living with HIV since 1985 and started doing HIV advocacy/activism in 1989. He has served on the board of several ASO's as well as community and scientific committees such as the CIHR/CTN, HIV Expert Advisory Committee of Health Canada, Ontario HIV Network, Lipo-Action, and the COCQ-SIDA Provincial Treatment Committee. ​While he believes that much work still needs to be done especially in some countries, he also believes that we should be looking for a cure that would be accessible to all countries including sub-saharan Africa.

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Wangari Tharao

Director of Research and Programs at Women’s Health in Women’s Hands

Tharao is the Director of Research and Programs at Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, a community health centre that provides primary healthcare services for African, Caribbean, Latin American and South Asian women in Toronto and surrounding areas.  She is also a community based researcher, researching HIV issues relevant to women living in Canada who have migrated from countries with generalized HIV epidemics. Wangari has co-founded several local, provincial, national and international networks including, the African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO), the Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network (CHABAC) and the African and Black Diaspora Global Network on HIV and AIDS (ABDGN) to support Black populations living in Canada and other developed countries

Claudette Cardinal 

Community Advocate

Claudette Cardinal - Wâpakwaniy is a wise woman from the Kehewin Cree Nation in Alberta. In her 30th year of living with HIV, and works thousands of hours on HIV, mental health, aging and Indigenous-focused research initiatives over the last two decades, a leader in HIV amongst Indigenous women in Canada.
As an Indigenous Community Researcher and Community Member of the Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research, also a member of the International Community of Women Living with HIV–North America. She collaborates with a wide range of organizations, including: the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity, THRIVE, COAST, and the Canadian HIV Observational Cohort (CANOC), SHARE/CARE among others.

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